Calendar of Events
This is my Calendar of Events, both upcoming and past ones for ideas.
February 3, Crofton Garden Club, Valentine’s Day Floral Arranging Demonstration, zoom
February 10, Hillside Garden Club, Lynchburg, VA, Behind the Scenes at the White House, Zoom
February 11, MD Judges Council, Home Grown Garden Style Bouquets, zoom
March 5, District III Program, Home Grown Garden Style Bouquets, zoom
March 5, Chestnut Grove First Friday’s Program, Earth Stewardship Starts at Home, Zoom
March 9, District I Garden Clubs of Maryland, Home Grown Garden Style Bouquets, zoom
April 13, Evergreen Garden Club, English Garden Tour – zoom
June 12, Kringle Mania, Behind the Scenes at the White House, Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Shippensburg, Pa – in person
December 2, Woman’s Club of Roland Park, The Color Red: Christmas Floral Extravaganza – in person

Past Events
February 4, Lake Roland Garden Club, English Garden Tour
February 6, 11AM, Lutherville Garden Club, Scottish and English Garden Tour
February 10, 11 AM Chartwell Garden Club, Houseplants With Pizzazz
February 13, 1:30 PM Arlington Garden Club, Behind the Scenes at The White House
February 29, 1:30 PM, Home and Garden Show, Timonium Fairgrounds, Breath of Spring
July 1, 7 PM, Town & Country Garden Club of Lancaster, Bachman Center, Behind the Scenes at the White House
October 8, District V of MD Garden Club, Holly Hills Country Club, British Isles Garden Tour: Grand Estates & Cottage Gardens – zoom
October 13, 14, Landscape Design School of MD, Cylburn Arboretum – New Plant Introductions, Earth Stewardship, and Xeriscaping – in person
October 15, District IV Annual Meeting of MD, English Garden Tour – zoom
November 11, Halten Garden Club, The English Way – zoom
February 5, 1:15, Lake Roland Garden Club, Non-Traditional Floral Arrangements
February 6, 12PM, Hampton Garden Club, Scottish & English Garden Tour
February 11, Hollyberry Garden Club, Annapolis, MD, The English Way
March 13, 11AM, Providence Garden Club, Wallingford, PA, Trade Secrets-Tips for Great Flower Arranging
April 11, Split Rail Garden Club, Think Spring Floral Designs
April 25, Gettysburg Garden Club, Gettysburg, PA, Behind the Scenes at the White House
September 11, Glen Arm Garden Club, St John’s Lutheran Church, Pollinators & Eco-Beneficial Gardening
October 2, Carroll Garden Club, Union Bridge Community Center, Succulent Mania
October 7, Crofton Village Garden Club, Crofton, MD, Inspired by Christmas
October 10, 12:30 PM, Franklin Garden Club, Reisterstown All Saints Episcopal Church-Flower Show 101
November 8, 11 AM, Dorchester Garden Club, Cambridge, MD, Behind the Scenes at the White House
November 11, 11 AM, Homeland Garden Club, Behind the Scenes at the White House
Thursday, November 14, The Garden Workshop, The Best of English Gardens
Monday, November 18, 1PM, Garden Club of York, Behind the Scenes at the White House
Tuesday, November 26, 10:30AM, Three Arts Club of Homeland, Decorating with Pumpkins and Succulents
December 3, District III Federated Garden Club, Christmas Arrangement Workshop, Agricultural Center, 9-1
Jan 16, 12 PM, Garden Club of Old Annapolis Towne- Sex in the Garden
February 7, 11AM, Hampton Garden Club, Towson, MD-English & Scottish Garden PeFebruary 11, 12:30, Good Shepherd Church in Ruxton, Alternatives to Oasis in Floral Design
March 14, 11AM, Halten Garden Club, Sherwood House- ‘Think Spring’ floral arrangements
May 21 -June 2-Trip Chelsea Flower show, Northern England & Wales (see my trips)
August 9, Tryon Palace, New Bern, North Carolina- Pollinators and More
September 25, 11AM-Greenbriar Garden Club, Columbia, Md-Fairy Garden Workshop
November 2, 10AM, Summer Hill Garden Club, Landscape Design Solutions
November 9, 11AM, Kent Island Garden Club, Behind the Scenes at the White House
November 13, 10 AM, Gettysburg Garden Club, Behind the Scenes at the White House
November 14, 12:45, Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs, Executive Banquet and Conference Center, Behind the Scenes at the White House
Dec 2, 1PM, Homestead Gardens, Severna Park, Behind the Scenes at the White House
Dec 4, 10AM, Cockeysville Senior Center, Behind the Scenes at the White House
Dec 13, 12 PM, Garden Workshop, Inspired By Christmas
Feb 7, 7 PM, Cape St Clair Garden Club-Pollinator Gardening
Feb 9, 11 AM, The Women’s Club of Roland Park-Decorating the White House for Christmas
March 6, Naples, Florida, Garden Club-Containers With Pizzazz!
March 18, 1 PM, Philadelphia Flower Show, Fairy Garden Magic
April 3, Falls Church, Virginia Garden Club, American Legion Hall, 7:30 PM-Containers With Pizzazz!
April 11, 7 PM, Hollyberry Garden Club-Pollinator Gardening
April 12, 11 AM Lake Falls Garden Club- Containers With Pizzazz!
April 30 – May 21 – Baltimore Symphony Decorator Show House
May 6, 1PM Ladew Topiary Gardens Garden Festival – Containers With Pizzazz!
May 21-29, Chelsea Flower Show and Cotswold Gardens Trip
June 22-25, Garden Bloggers Fling in DC
July 26, Edenwald Retirement Community, 7PM-Christmas in July
October 10, Capital Hill Garden Club, Fragrance in the Garden
October 26, Gettysburg Firehall, PA., Blue Ribbon Floral Designs
November 7, Chestertown Garden Club, 11 AM-White House Christmas
November 13, Roslyn Garden Club, 11 AM, Ag Center-White House Christmas
December 2, Tryon Palace, New Bern, North Carolina-White House Christmas
December 6, Town & Country Garden Club-White House Christmas
February 27, 2 PM, Baltimore County Public Library, Cockeysville Branch-Buzz About Bees